
We believe that families are drawn to St. Robert School, in part, for our academic excellence. Not only do we encourage the best from our students, but we also expect the best from our teachers.

st Robert catholic school sacramentoThe Parent Club

The Parent Club is dedicated to assisting school staff in the education of students and providing a collective voice for all parents.

This includes organizing fundraising projects throughout the year to support school operations, such as its educational technology, art education, and athletic programs.

parent club

st Robert catholic school sacramentoCatholic School Advisory Commission (CSAC)

The CSAC is charged with helping school staff achieve diocesan and parish goals for Catholic education. As advisory to the principal, the Commission offers input on:

  • Development
  • Facilities
  • Mission Effectiveness – Catholic identity and school integration
  • Community Relations – outreach and awareness
  • Parent Engagement

    Now Enrolling for School Year 2024-25

    Contact Us

    We love to hear from you

    2251 Irvin Way Sacramento, CA 95822
    (916) 452-2111


    St. Robert Catholic School Contact Form

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