
At St. Robert School, we believe that it is important to provide each student with the opportunity to develop his or her values, and to connect to something greater than him- or herself. We believe that it is equally important to feel safe in an environment that cultivates the motivation to learn.

st Robert catholic school sacramentoProcess & Timeline

Thank you for your interest in applying to St. Robert Catholic School. When it comes to deciding which school might be the right one, the answers may not always be as clear as you would like.

At St. Robert School, we believe that it is important to provide each student with the opportunity to develop his or her values, and to connect to something greater than him- or herself. We believe that it is equally important to feel safe in an environment that cultivates the motivation to learn.

The application and admissions process involves five steps:

Step 1

Visit St. Robert School: If you are unfamiliar with our school, we encourage you to start the admissions process with a personal tour by contacting the office at (916) 452-2111. This may take place at any time throughout the year. You may also attend our Open House event held annually during the last week of January.

 Step 2

Complete Application Form: This form may be submitted at any time and will enable you to temporarily hold a spot for your child in the upcoming school year. However, you will be expected to submit a registration packet once you are notified that this packet is available.

This application form may be obtained by contacting the office at (916) 452-2111 or downloading the form.

Application Form

Step 3

Complete Online Registration : This may be submitted at any time. However, in the event of limited space in a class, we encourage you to plan ahead and submit as early as possible to secure a position for your child. The official deadline for submission is the first day of May.

In the event that there are no openings in a specific grade level, prospective students will be placed on a waiting list. When an opening becomes available, students will be identified in order of their place on the list and contacted in order of the following criteria: (a) children of Catholic families active in the St. Robert Parish, (b) children of Catholic families active in other Catholic parishes, and (c) children of families from non-Catholic faiths.

Step 4

Visit Classroom in Progress: If schedules permit, prospective students applying to enter third through eighth grades may visit the school for half a day at their current grade level. This would give students the chance to witness the St. Robert School experience with their own class peers. These visits should be arranged in advance and should occur after the registration packet has been submitted.

Step 5

Participate in Entrance Screening: The screening will help all of us provide the most positive learning experience for your child. The screening will assess prospective students for school readiness or for appropriate grade-level placement. In addition, for students applying to enter seventh or eighth grade, the school principal will interview them as part of their admission process.

Screenings and interviews take place beginning in late February, depending on the number of applications we receive each month. The screening of students entering kindergarten will be conducted on a one-to-one basis.

st Robert catholic school sacramento Tuition Fees


To be considered for the scholarship rate, current and prospective students must be the children of (a) families who are registered and contributing parishioners of the St. Robert Catholic Church and (b) families who regularly attend at least one weekend Mass per week at the St. Robert Catholic Church. Families may lose their scholarship at any time if it is later determined that they ceased to remain active parishioners after being granted a scholarship.


  • New Diocesan Policy: All Payers of Tuition and/or Extended Day are required to enroll in a Payment Plan in FACTS.
  • FACTS Management is required per family or per each payer. If more than one payment method or more than one bank account is used, separate FACTS enrollments must be made.
  • FACTS Grant Link Open
  • Extended Day Fees: Students may enroll in Extended Day whenever a decision for placement in the school’s extended care program is made. All financial arrangements should be made through the School Bookkeeper.
  • Registration: The 2024-2025 school year will take place between April 16, 2024 and April 30, 2024. Registration will be done on the FACTS Family Portal. If you need assistance with the registration process or completing the forms, we will be happy to help. Email to arrange for a time for us to help.

Registration Fee includes:

Textbooks and consumables and VIRTUE planner $150
Testing $75
FACTS Set Up $45
Student Information System $25
Registration Processing $50
Playground/PE Equipment $35
Supplemental Curriculum Programs (Freckle, Membean, etc) – $50
IT infrastructure and management – $70

Application Fee – $40

Registration Fee – $500


School Tuition
Tuition may be paid in full with a 4% discount. If you choose to pay monthly, tuition begins to be deducted from FACTS in July 2024 ( you may choose for the deduction to occur on either the 5th or the 20th of each month) and will be concluded in April 2025. All deductions will come out of your FACTS account. A 5% increase in tuition (approximately $30-$40 increase per month) for one child will be in effect for the 2024-2025 school year. Information about your specific new rate will be sent to you.

Tuition Rate Full Payment Installment Plan
1 Student $7,069 $7,219
2 Students $ 13,261 $ 13,561
3 Students $ 19,012 $ 19,462
4 Students $ 24,473 $ 25,073

Extension Fees
Extension fees are deducted between August, 2024 and will conclude in May 2025. Families may choose to pay in full with a 4% discount or pay over ten months for either part time or full time extension. Hourly fees are deducted monthly.

10 month plan is August 1, 2024 -May 31, 2025

Extended Day Fees Emergency Drop In Morning Only Full Time
1 Student $15 / hour $987 $3,000
2 Students $27 / hour $1,480 $4,830
3 Students $40 / hour $1,960 $6,125

Parent Hours
There will be a mandatory 30 hours per family required to be completed between May 1, 2024 –and April 30, 2025. Parents will be required to volunteer to help at special events and help as needed throughout the school year. All hours not completed by April 30, 2025 will be charged $10/hour and will be deducted in May, 2025. We will be sending out options for parent hours and will have sign-up sheets available at Back to School Night in August

There will be a fundraising fee of $400. Fundraising credit will be given beginning May 1, 2024 – April 2025. Credit is given depending upon the event. Examples are: Jog-a-thon credit will be dollar for dollar (you donate $100; you will get $100 credit). If Gala tickets (2025) are $60/person and the food for the event is $25/person; you will receive $35 toward your fundraising fee. Information about fundraising credit will be spelled out specifically for every event.

Any donations and/or event donations made by family members (grandparents etc.) will count toward the account of the name of the school family indicated at the time. If a family has not brought into the school the $400 that is required, the difference will be deducted from their FACTS account in May, 2025. Any amount over the $400 is very much appreciated.

Tuition Assistance
If your family has applied for tuition assistance before March 31st , you should be hearing by April 26th of the amount awarded. If you applied after March 31st, it may take a few days later to receive your verification of assistance granted.

Class Fees
In an effort to avoid having to charge you miscellaneous fees throughout the year, we are instituting a class fee deduction. There should be very few, if any, incidental fees coming out of your account (exception Sports fees) during the school year. The class fees will be deducted from your FACTS account in June, 2024 unless we hear from you. (See the attachment for Class fee costs by grade) . Arrangements may be made to spread out these fees if needed. Please email Ms. Allen if you would like to do this.

Building Fund
A $100 deduction/student will be deducted in May, 2025 for our building fund. This money is used to help with offsetting renovations and structural issues.

Other Fees Amount
Art Fee, Per Student $25
Late PLayment Fee (Per Occurrence) $25
Manual Processing Fee Per Transactions $25
Additional FACTS Account $50
Incidental Processing Fee (no auto-pay account) $250 annually
8th Grade Fee $200

2025-2026 Registration
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will be due in May 2025. All 2024-2025 tuition, hours and fundraising for the 2024-2025 school year must be taken care of before registering for the next school year. All 8th grade graduate accounts must be paid in full before graduation activities and ceremonies.

Payment Schedule

You may spread your tuition payments across a 9 or 10-month period beginning on July. This is arranged through our contractor FACTS at Please note tuition fees won’t be collected in March. Registration fees would be billed instead.

st Robert catholic school sacramentoFinancial Assistance

St. Robert Catholic School offers a tuition assistance or financial aid program to help all families send their children to its school. Funds from this program are limited and will be distributed each year based on the financial need of each family applying for assistance.

All requests for assistance will be kept confidential. All information related to assistance will be treated as privileged communication. This means that we will do our best to keep information in confidence between you and the school administration, including those directly involved in processing your application.

To be considered for the tuition assistance program, you must apply each year with FACTS at All supporting tax documents related to your application must be submitted by the deadline posted by FACTS.

The intended recipients of financial assistance must maintain a “C” grade average and must demonstrate excellence in citizenship and conduct.

Now Enrolling for School Year 2024-25

Contact Us

We love to hear from you

2251 Irvin Way Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 452-2111


St. Robert Catholic School Contact Form

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