St. Robert Catholic School

Faith ... Knowledge ... Excellence ...

St. Robert Catholic School is an educational ministry promoting a Christ-centered environment that fosters academic excellence and personal integrity.

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August 16th

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st Robert catholic school icon About St. Robert Catholic School

St. Robert Catholic School is dedicated to providing value-based education to students from transitional kindergarten to eighth grade. This website represents our commitment to communicating with St. Robert students, their parents, and the larger community about our school.

The history of St. Robert School is one rich in tradition and obligation. Since its inception in 1957, St. Robert School has held true to its founding vision of providing a Christ-centered environment to foster academic excellence and personal integrity. At St. Robert School, we place emphasis on building a foundation of responsibility that will lead to the next generation of citizen leaders. We help students build relationships with themselves, God, and others. Read More

St. Robert Catholic School’s full-day Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program prepares our youngest students for Kindergarten. Our TK class will provide a loving environment, stressing a positive approach to success in daily activities. The faculty encourages the development of self-respect for others and the respect of authority in and outside of the classroom.

As a Catholic TK program, religious development is of primary importance. This is approached simply and in the total context of the child’s life. St. Robert Catholic School believes values are cultivated in a child, through example experiences in everyday situations and by lessons. Students will learn short prayers at group time. Songs, stories, and activities will often be of religious nature and will: proclaim God’s greatness, center on Christ, follow scripture and the church’s teachings, relate life experiences to the Good News and prepare students for Christian leadership.

Our First grade through third grade classes continue to build on the academic foundations laid in Kindergarten. Meeting the needs of each individual student offering support and more challenging work where needed. First grade offers a unique reading plan allowing students to excel at their own pace with fluency and comprehension. Students begin to work more independently at desks during the school day but come together for centers for small group learning. Spiritual growth is strengthened through classroom buddy activities and daily religion lessons.

Second grade continues with foundation and spiritual growth through building a cohesive community based around the sacraments of First Communion and Reconciliation. Students begin to build on sentences to become paragraphs and form opinions and use supporting details in their writing. Second graders receive individual planned reading opportunities using an online reading program. Math skills mastered in first grade are used to continue to build upon in second grade.


Third grade students move into the mechanics of writing and building on the foundations of multi step mathematical problems. Critical thinking skills in writing and math are integrated into daily activities and lessons. Working on becoming independent learns through keeping their own daily planners and organizing materials. Students continue to grow in their Faith through formal lessons and using the virtues program to apply their faith into action as they continue to learn about the Catholic faith. Students begin using the Accelerated Reader program as they move through third grade and into fourth.

Having built a strong foundation in previous grades students enter the fourth prepared to meet the rigor of the 4th grade. Students begin to take on a new leadership role in the school community by becoming classroom buddies with younger students providing them with the example of living out their faith through their everyday walk with christ. Writing and critical thinking skills are used to express depth of knowledge and understanding in all curriculum areas including science geography and California History.

After spending time in third grade and fourth grade on “learning to read,” the focus becomes “reading to learn,” fifth graders will read more complex and in depth material across the curriculum. Writing will become more detailed with creating paragraphs and short essays using evidence to support opinions and make comparisons and contrasts. An emphasis will be placed on the writing process: creating outlines, rough drafts and final product. By the end of fifth grade, students should demonstrate fluent mastery of all math “facts”—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and working on how “mathematical operations” work, using the role of place value, fractions, decimals, and beginning geometry. American colonial history in the fifth grade, exploring complex documents like the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and how we continue to grow in Faith alongside the world as we live out our faith.

St. Robert Catholic School’s middle school students engage in a focused academic program. The students transition daily between teachers for Science, ELA and Math. Science standards revolve around project based learning. ELA standards are taught through novel studies and integrated Social Studies content.

They also attend weekly Art, Music and PE classes with different teachers, enriching the middle school experience. Faith is an integral part of the St. Robert school experience. Virtue lessons incorporate our school wide virtue of the month. Social Emotional Learning is supported with lessons and through modeling the skills in weekly buddy lessons.

Presentations, projects, research, multiple sources, college and career readiness.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.


Our Program is a six-week full day program for students entering Kindergarten through 8th grades:

The morning session offers learning activities that build competencies in English Language Arts and Mathematics through creative lessons, educational projects, and computer labs. Small reading groups will be assembled, covering summer reading lists (from St. Robert School).

The afternoon session keeps students learning in many enriching subjects including Art, Science, Computers, Cooking, Music, and Athletics. Weekly themes will be celebrated with field trips, special guests, and/or activities.



2251 Irvin Way
Sacramento, CA 95822

School Hours

M-F: 8am – 3pm
Weekends: Closed

Phone & Email


At St. Robert School, we believe that it is important to provide each student with the opportunity to develop his or her values, and to connect to something greater than him- or herself.

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SIS – Student Information System
District Code: STRS-CA

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Support Our School

At St. Robert School, we believe that it is important to provide each student with the opportunity to develop his or her values, and to connect to something greater than him- or herself.

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st Robert catholic school icon Philosophy and Mission

St. Robert Catholic School is dedicated to providing value-based education to students from transitional kindergarten to eighth grade. This website represents our commitment to communicating with St. Robert students, their parents, and the larger community about our school.

The history of St. Robert School is one rich in tradition and obligation. Since its inception in 1957, St. Robert School has held true to its founding vision of providing a Christ-centered environment to foster academic excellence and personal integrity. At St. Robert School, we place emphasis on building a foundation of responsibility that will lead to the next generation of citizen leaders. We help students build relationships with themselves, God, and others.

st. Robert school
st. Robert school

st Robert catholic school icon Students

Excellence is when teachers enable students to connect with the topic at hand and spur them to raise more questions than there might be answers.

We believe that families are drawn to St. Robert School, in part, for our academic excellence. Not only do we encourage the best from our students, but we also expect the best from our teachers.

Excellence in the classroom is a quality that every parent should demand. It is also a phrase that may be overused in the educational circle. In recognition of this, we recently sat down with our teachers to explore what this phrase might mean daily.

st Robert catholic school icon Parents

The Parent Club

The Parent Club is dedicated to assisting school staff in the education of students and providing a collective voice for all parents. This includes organizing fundraising projects throughout the year to support school operations, such as its educational technology, art education and athletic programs.

The Catholic School Advisory Commission (CSAC)

The CSAC is charged with helping school staff achieve diocesan and parish goals for Catholic education. As advisory to the principal, the Commission offers input on:

  • Development
  • Facilities
  • Mission Effectiveness
  • Community Relations
  • Parent Engagement
st. Robert school
st. Robert school

st Robert catholic school icon Admission

Thank you for your interest in applying to St. Robert Catholic School.

When it comes to deciding which school might be the right one, the answers may not always be as clear as you would like.

At St. Robert School, we believe that it is important to provide each student with the opportunity to develop his or her values, and to connect to something greater than him- or herself. We believe that it is equally important to feel safe in an environment that cultivates the motivation to learn.

Schedule A Tour

We invite you to visit our community. Please contact us today to schedule a campus tour.

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What Parents are Saying

St. Robert School holds a very special place in our family legacy. My father was a St. Robert alumni, having attended in the 1960s, and both my husband and I attended St. Roberts – we were in the very same class from 1st grade through 6th grade! Our son Jackson now attends St. Robert School to follow in his family’s footsteps by receiving an education steeped in academic excellence while being shaped by the virtues of loving justice.

It is not just the small class sizes and dynamic teachers that make St. Robert School special, it is the sense of community that is felt in every interaction with St. Robert faculty and staff – from morning drop-off and daily classroom reports to weekly newsletters, athletic activities, on-campus social events, and opportunities to care for our community at-large. Most importantly, I trust that my son is both physically and emotionally safe during his school day. It is such a blessing that we are able to send Jackson to St. Robert School!
– Dr. Corrine McIntosh Sako, parent of Jackson Sako (1st grade)

Dr. Corrine McIntosh Sako

Parent of Jackson

This school, faculty & staff, has been the best experience, for our entire family!  I’m a proud St. Robert school alumni and could not be more pleased!

Our children feel loved, safe, and are learning and growing in spiritual and academic areas of their life.  Our children love their teachers. We would strongly & wholeheartedly recommend St. Robert Catholic School! 

Sara Gonzalez Bryant


Contact Us

We love to hear from you

2251 Irvin Way Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 452-2111


St. Robert Catholic School Contact Form

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