
We believe that families are drawn to St. Robert School, in part, for our academic excellence. Not only do we encourage the best from our students, but we also expect the best from our teachers.

st Robert catholic school sacramentoSt. Robert Alumnus

When I think about the best times of my life, I don’t think about high school or college, but I do think about the wonderful time I spent at St. Robert Catholic School, more affectionately known as St. Bob’s.

I graduated in 1976, what feels like a million moons ago, but when I shut my eyes and drift back to those days, the faces of my lifetime friends conjure up in an instant. Those relationships forged years ago, remain strong and vibrant. Amazingly, I have managed to stay connected with more of my St. Robert friends than any other group in my life.

We shared so many amazing years together, surviving adolescence, exploring life’s challenges and most of all, cementing a connection that so few people are blessed enough to experience. Our families were intertwined, and many remain so today.

I can still remember the smells, the hot lunches, Olympic Day, special masses, the Fall Festival, all the important milestones we shared. Every teacher holds a tick mark in my memory box. The things I learned at St. Robert had the biggest impact on the person I am today.

I am sharing these thoughts in the hope that my fellow St. Robert alumni feel an equal affection for the place where learning and friendship began for most of us. I know that several of us feel so strongly about the value of a Catholic education and the community that comes with being a part of St. Robert, that we have sent our children to study there as well. Granted, the educational component is important, but the sense of community and connection is what solidifies each of us in our love for this school.

My daughter attended St. Robert as well, a graduate of the class of 2007 and I know with certainty, she too, holds her time at St. Robert close to her heart.

With that said, if St. Robert is to remain a hub of Catholic education in our community, those of us who benefited from its goodness must introspectively decide its worth and take action steps to ensure its future vitality. I ask that each of you think back on your years at St. Robert.

Shut your eyes, smell the smells, think of the experiences and forever memories. What is this worth to you today? I hope it matters enough that each of you would consider making a small donation to the school. Perhaps your specific graduating class can sponsor a student in financial need. Imagine what a wonderful gift that would be?

As a community of St. Robert graduates, we have the opportunity and the ability to ensure those that come behind us are blessed with the beautiful memories and similar opportunities we were all given. Won’t you join me in taking care of a special place that took such great care of us?


Gina Barbato Knepp
Class of 1976

Gina Barbato Knepp
Gina Barbato Knepp , Class of 1976

St. Robert School Alumni Coordinator

Please feel free to contact me at should you have any questions.

St. Robert School Alumni Group on Facebook.

st Robert catholic school sacramentoVolunteer Opportunities

Alumni are always invited to return to St. Robert School as volunteers.

As you may know, all school-age children could benefit from looking to adults as mentors and role models. Even with an hour of your time, you could give a school-age child the opportunity to dream of the many possibilities that might lie ahead for our graduates.

Please contact the office at (916) 452-2111 if you would like to volunteer your time.


      Contact Us

      We love to hear from you

      2251 Irvin Way Sacramento, CA 95822
      (916) 452-2111


      St. Robert Catholic School Contact Form

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